SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

Winger Taking on Outside Fullback

Soccer Drill Diagram: Winger Taking on Outside Fullback
Drill Equipment

Disc Cones/Markers, Scrimmage Vests, Soccer Balls, Full-Size Goal

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: HALF FIELD
Players: 14+ Focus: ATTACKING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 20 MINS.
Goalkeeper: YES Team
Rating: 4.08 / 5 Views: 173,994
Published: 1/31/2011 Author: Chris Johnson

This dribbling game focuses on the winger players taking on the outside fullbacks in the offensive third of the field.

Drill setup
  1. This drill requires the attacking third of the field with a full-size goal.
  2. Split the team into six attackers, six defenders, a goalkeeper, and a server.
  3. The server will start around midfield with a supply of balls.
  4. Mark off a lane from each sideline that is 15 yards wide.
  5. Place a left-winger in the left lane and a right-winger in the right lane.
  6. Place one defender in each of the two lanes, so the wingers play a 1v1 on each side.
    The remaining players (4v4) start between the two lanes.
Drill Coaching Points
  • The primary focus is to take on the outside fullback.
  • Get wingers comfortable turning towards the goal and attack the space behind the defender.
  • Wingers should attack the defender with speed.
  • Wingers need to know what to do with the ball after they have beaten the defender. Give the wingers ideas on their decisions, such as a pass, cross, shot, continue dribbling to the end line, etc.
Drill Instructions
  1. The one outside fullbacks and one winger are the only players that are allowed in the lane.
  2. The server plays the ball into one of the two outside wingers to begin the game.
  3. Instruct the outside fullback to let the winger turn and face him before applying pressure to the winger. If the winger is having problems beating the defender, have the defender play 50-75%.
  4. The winger will then play 1v1 against the outside back.
  5. The winger's job is to beat the fullback down the line.
  6. Only after the winger beats the defender can he pass into the 4v4 in the middle of the field. This service can come off of a pass, cross.
  7. Once receiving a pass from the winger, the offensive team attempts to score a goal.
  8. If the defensive team wins the ball, the play is reset and started over from the server at mid-field.
Drill Variations
  • Only allow a cross from the winger after they beat the defender and focus on crossing and finishing.
  • Limit the defensive pressure on the outsides from 50%-75% to allow the winger to get down the line.
Drill Focus

Dribbling, Passing, Crossing, Attacking