So you want to learn how to juggle a soccer ball, or how to teach others to juggle? There is one critical tip that must happen to be successful at juggling. That is practice juggling. That may seem harsh and very straight forward, but the best way to master a skill is to focus on that skill until it becomes second nature.
Juggling is an essential training element which we often overlook. Juggling allows the players to use all parts of their body to gain a feel for the ball. These touches build confidence and make players aware of parts of their body used to control or pass the ball. With a larger range of comfort with the ball, this often sparks imagination in the game. A good juggler does not guarantee the player will be a good game player, as there is no substitute for match play. Juggling should become a daily routine that only takes a few minutes a day. Coaches should encourage players to develop proper juggling technique. When juggling, coaches should stress the following points:
Encourage players to juggle, and watch the player's touch improve ten-fold.
Once you have perfected the progression above, it is time to free juggle with your feet and thighs. Remember some of the keys to proper juggling: