Soccer Specific Agility Drills
Soccer Specific Agility and Speed Training Drills.
Rating: 2.71 / 5
Views: 195,071
Updated: 2/23/2021
Author: Chris Johnson
Soccer Specific Agility and Speed Training Drills.
Mini Shuttle
Place 2 markers 20 yards apart. Place 2 marker in the middle only 3 yards to each side. (see diagram to right)
Starting from the left-middle marker sprint to one end (10 yards), turn and immediately sprint to the other end (20 yards) and then to the finish marker (10 yards).
Turn on a different foot at each marker and try to touch the ground with your hand.
Weave In/Out
Place 6-8 cones out in a straight line approximately 3 yards apart.
In between each set of cones place another cone only 3 yards to the left. (see diagram right)
Sprint from one cone to the next bending down to touch each one with your hand.
The emphasis is on taking quick side steps, rather than turning to face the cone and sprinting forward which that takes more time.
Follow the Leader
Mark out a large area - 20 yards by 20 yards for example.
Pair up with a team mate and have them run randomly within the area.
Try to maintain 2 yards distance from them at all times. Your team mate should be changing direction and pace constantly.
Super Shuttle
Set a series of cones out in a cross formation. (see diagram right)
Run backwards to the center cone, side step to the right cone (or your left if you are performing the drill), side step back to the centre cone still facing the same way.
At the center cone turn and sprint forward to the end cone. Now run back to the center cone, side step to the left, side step back to the center, then turn and sprint back to the start.
Phew! Sounds complicated - it's not - the diagram explains it quicker than I can!
Place 10 shuttles in a line 5 yards apart.
Weave in and out as fast as possible and walk back to the start.
This exercise is often performed much more slowly with a ball. The goal here is to develop speed of leg movement so no ball is used.
Box Drill
Use 4 cones or markers to mark out a square approximately 5yards by 5yards.
Place a cone in the center of the square. This is your starting position.
Give each corner a number and remember it! Have a team mate (or your coach) call numbers at random.
Sprint to the corner shouted and return to the middle.
Soccer Drill Titled: Soccer Specific Agility Drills