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Soccer Drill Diagram: Soccer Skills

Soccer Skills

Soccer skills, the touch one has when passing, trapping, receiving, or shooting, are an important part of being successful in soccer.

Rating: 3.53 / 5 Views: 71,630
Updated: 2/22/2021 Author: Chris Johnson
Soccer skills, the touch one has when passing, trapping, receiving, or shooting, are an important part of being successful in soccer.

Soccer skills are an important part of being successful in soccer. Soccer skills are simply the touch one has on the ball when passing, trapping, receiving, or shooting. These soccer skills can be improved though repetition and multiple touches on the ball.

Improving your player's soccer skill will also help boost their confidence. The increased confidence allows players to be more comfortable while taking on opponents and slowing the play down. The confidence brought on by improved soccer skills will make the players wants the ball more, and will often improve support play without the ball. Learning and perfecting each of the soccer skills will in turn teach muscle memory, and as they become more skilled their coordination will also improve.

The bottom line is that if you want your players to be better ball handlers you must work on their soccer skills. Make soccer skill sessions part of your practice plans and teach encourage players to work on their skills at home on non-practice days.

Your player's soccer skills and confidence will improve limitlessly if they are passionate about it.

Soccer Drill Titled: Soccer Skills
Published by: Chris Johnson

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